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.---- A Fast FILES.BBS Summary and AllFiles Lister for RemoteAccess BBS! ----.

     Program Revision 3.40 is a MAJOR update... Please read these docs, and
     the sample configuration file well. Upgrading may need a little work -
     but it's worth it for the extra speed and *many* advanced features!!!!

                ** FileSummary now works with NOVELL NETWARE! **

          NB! The control file has been renamed and is very different!

          Some commands are gone, and there are many new ones. There's
          fundamental changes with the Megalist-creating verbs, so you
          may need to take a look at that (we now create any number of
          lists, containing specific areas in each).

    What FileSummary Does, And Why It Exists

    You  will  probably  already  have seen what  FileSummary  does  to  the
    FILES.BBS  while  looking  at a file list on a BBS that  uses  it.    By
    default,  it inserts a little bit of information about the file area  at
    the  beginning  of FILES.BBS,  including things like  the  area's  name,
    number  of  files in the area,  and total space used by this area.    It
    scans  your FILES.RA file (in the current directory)  for all file areas
    and  edits  the  file  listing  in those  areas.    Note  that  although
    FileSummary  remembers which directory you started from on  the  current
    drive,   and leaves you there when it has finished,  it may have changed
    the directory on other drives mentioned in FILES.RA.

    Typical Non-FileSummarized Sample FILES.BBS File
    3-DEMoN.ZiP [0] 3D Pac-man type game.
    ABM.ZIP  [00] Anti-Bolistic Missile game
    aLleYCaT.ZIP [00] Get the rats in this arcade game
    Antix.Zip  [4] Another game from the author of Tetris

    A Sample FILES.BBS File After FileSummarizing (slightly edited)
                              -=-  FileSummary v3.40.  -=-

 #          Files listing last updated on: Sun Jul 29 23:43:24 1990          #
 #                                                                           #
 #      File Directory:                                       IBM Games      #
 #      Number of files found:  99               Total bytes:  43172338      #
 #                                                                           #
 #   File   | Size  |  Date  |                File Description               #
3-DEMON.ZIP  [00] 3D Pac-man type game.
ABM.ZIP      [00] Anti-Bolistic Missile game
ALLEYCAT.ZIP [00] Get the rats in this arcade game
ANTIX.ZIP    [04] Another game from the author of Tetris

    A Sample FILES.BBS File Being Displayed in RemoteAccess (slightly edited)
                              -=-  FileSummary v3.40.  -=-

 #          Files listing last updated on: Sun Jul 29 23:43:24 1990          #
 #                                                                           #
 #      File Directory:                                       IBM Games      #
 #      Number of files found:  99               Total bytes:  43172338      #
 #                                                                           #
 #   File   | Size  |  Date  |                File Description               #
3-DEMON.ZIP    21147 04-12-90  [00] 3D Pac-man type game.
ABM.ZIP        24217 04-12-90  [00] Anti-Bolistic Missile game
ALLEYCAT.ZIP   35522 04-12-90  [00] Get the rats in this arcade game
ANTIX.ZIP      17647 05-05-89  [04] Another game from the author of Tetris

    How do you run FileSummary?

    Basically,  you  change to  the global RemoteAccess directory containing
    FILES.RA and FSUMM.CFG,  our special control file,  and type or put in a
    batch file the command  to run FSUMM.EXE. Not  all that tricky, eh?! You
    must have no more than  150 characters (including any comments) in  each
    line of FILES.BBS.

    You also need a header file if you intend on using the FILES.BBS headers
    named with the AreaHeader verb.  You may include the following macros in
    the header file:

    %DATE   (24 characters) displays the current date and time in the output
    %DIR    (47 characters) displays the name of the area  (right justified)
    %LDIR   (47 characters) displays the name of the area   (left justified)
    %FNO    (3  characters) displays the number of files in the current area
    %FBYTES (9  characters) displays the number  of  bytes used in the  area
    %DLOAD  (4  characters) displays the number  of  downloads  in the  area

    Before the header file is put in the FILES.BBS, there is an ID line that
    lets FSUMM know that it has already processed that file. If, in the past
    you have run FSUMM, the old header in the FILES.BBS file should be wiped
    automatically anyway. But be on the safe side and check first though.

    When FSUMM is run, a short file containing just a number will be created
    in the directory it is run in (should always be your main RA directory).
    Read the following sentence over to yourself until you understand it: DO
    NOT DELETE THIS FILE. It is a special file used internally by FSUMM, and
    if it is deleted your headers may appear twice or something wierd.  This
    file is called FSUMM.INF. Another file is created if you use the builtin
    files-counter routine, FSUMM.MRK, and markers will be added to your log.

    How do I make a FSUMM.CFG file?

    Good question.  It's an ordinary ASCII file with a few special  commands
    in;  included with FileSummary  is a sample of what you can use and what
    the verbs do. Lines beginning with % or ; are ignored by FSUMM.  You can
    remove the comments from the sample file to speed up processing by quite
    a large amount..

    Please look at the sample control file for all the verbs, there are full
    descriptions in it as well.

    This  is just the command set available for this version of FileSummary.
    Who knows what will be in the next version! If you have any ideas,  then
    please  contact  James Berry on S/e/m/a/j,  the S/e/m/a/j Communications
    Support Board: 0303 862415, FidoNet 2:266/16.

    That's also the number to call (or FidoNet address to send mail to)   if
    you have any bug reports, constructive criticisms, etc.

    See SEMAJ.LST for a list of BBS where you may find latest releases. BBSs
    that will get files quickly:

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson